
Android adb command list

Darane 2021. 9. 7. 09:22

ADB(Android Debug Bridge)

When developing an application with Android Phone and Android tablet, you may need to use the adb command on you PC.
You can conveniently control the device by using the adb command.
The following frequently used adb commands are summarized.

: Start the adb server. Used when it is not turned on.
 adb start-server

: Stop the adb server.
 adb kill-server

: Shows a list of Android devices that can be connected with adb.
adb devices

: Execute the shell.
adb shell

: Forces the termination of the app(written in package name).
adb shell am force-stop package

: Delete all data in the app.
adb shell pm clear package

: Install the app using the APK file.
adb install filename

: Update and install the already installed app.
adb install -r filename

: Delete the app.
adb uninstall package

: Copy files from the Android device(remote) to the PC(local).
adb pull remote local

: Copy the PC(local) file to the Android device(remote).
adb push local remote

: Record the Android screen as a video. Terminate Ctrl + c.
adb shell screenrecord file

: Show the Android version.
adb shell getprop

: Show the SDK version.
adb shell getprop

: Show the model name of the Android device.
adb shell getprop ro.product.model
